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Get to know your customers

How many visitors you had in total, in witch store and when? Witch stores are gaining or loosing popularity, what are the long term trends? KNOC is a people behaviour analytics platform for retail industry that helps you to understand your customers behaviour and spot the trends.

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Data source

Primary source of data is cameras – surveillance cameras, special people counting cameras or advanced analytics cameras with people counting or video analysis software present that are installed at client premises. If you do not yet have any such cameras installed, we can help.

In most cases no new hardware is needed. We can work with your existing cameras. KNOC platform has the ability to read and unify data from different systems. We can work with AXIS, Aimetis, Bosch, Dahua etc. cameras and their people counting or video analytic software. By combining data from various sources KNOC will provide central database to store and compare all your data.

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Built-in data visualization


Every user can choose their own dashboard or use shared dashboards from other users to have a quick overview of the data. One can pull out quick numbers and compare them with custom timescale from the past, visualize data in line or bar charts and compile detailed comparison charts for every aspect of your venture.


Charts allow more in-depth look into the data. You can easily view results from individual entrance or groups of entrances in a graph, table format or pull the data into Excel spreadsheet for further analyses. You can zoom the data, select different time periods, directions of movement and different overview levels – per minute, hour or day.


Heatmap is excellent tool to visualize the data and monitor people density in your areas during a day, week or a custom period you would like to analyse. Most visited locations are painted in dark-red while less visited places appear in a light-yellow colour. By clicking on the map you get first data about the area with an option to dig deeper in the charts.


Automatically generated PDF reports allow to combine all sorts of data into fully customized report. You can choose from existing templated or combine your own, fully customized report for your particular needs. Typical application is to see trends and compare people flow numbers with previous days, weeks or months to see do you have more or less customers visiting your store and what might have been the impact of the recent marketing activities.